Friday, November 29, 2019

Auditor Liability Essays (2004 words) - Tort Law, Types Of Insurance

Auditor Liability annon Throughout the Eighties and into the Nineties thequestion of liability has become more prevalent in the practice of public accounting. Recently, the AICPA has been lobbying for liability reform in cases involving negligence or malpractice by public acco untants. Opposition to this lobbying has come from consumer advocacy organizations, trial lawyers' associations, and state public interest groups to name a few. (Bolinger p. 53) The key to success for the AICPA, according to Gary M. Bolinger is creating an image as a, profession performing high-quality services but faced with excessive liability burdens that harm the public interest. (Bolinger p.56) One should not be concerned, however, in the pending political outcome, but in weighing the evidence argued by both sides and developing a sound reasonable basis. Therefore, the remainder of this document shall concern itself with comparing the prevalen t arguments of both sides against one another and drawing a conclusion based on the evidence. Opponents of liability reform rely heavily on an idealistic constitutional argument as well as an economic argument to foster their point. The main components of their argument are as follows: Limiting recovery of loss has a detrimental effect on those which are harmed by alleged negligence. The cost of liability is reasonable when compared to total revenues, and in light of a CPA's public responsibility. Indemnity insurance spreads risk in the aggregate therefore removing the element of risk at the f irm level. The threat of litigation provides public accountants with a deterrent against negligent work. Finally, the results of lawsuits cause the profession itself to implement new standards. (Bolinger p.54) The AICPA and its supporters have developed their argument based on continued liability's likely effect on the profession as well as an economic argument. The arguments in favor of liability reform include the effect of continued liability on the availab ility of CPA services. The likelihood of fee increases resulting from liability risk. The threat of the inability of public accounting to obtain and retain qualified individuals. (Bolinger p.56) Finally, the complexities involved in the audit engagemen t and the subjective decision making process versus the ability of a given jury to understand and levy a fair decision in such cases. After examining the arguments of both sides one will see that litigation in its current form is a hindrance to the accou nting profession as well as society, and the benefits provided by litigation are attainable through enforcement of professional standards. The first of the opponents arguments finds it's basis from idealistic Constitutional principal. The notion that those which have been wronged, either directly or indirectly, deserve compensation for their estimated loss is one which first found favor in the case of Thomas v. Winchester in 1942. (Minnis p.4) In this case, for the first time a third party received compensation. (Minnis p.4) The precedent set by this case is the notion of duty owed to a third party-- if it ascertains that a duty is owed t hen a third party has a right to seek compensation. The case which most directly affected auditors is a case filed in the UK, Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller and Partners Ltd (1964). (Minnis p.9) This case ultimately developed a situation where a ban k passed to its client a certificate of credit-worthiness on a potential client. The business which was deemed credit-worthy ultimately failed, and claim resulted by the third party against the bank issuing the certificate.! (Minnis p.9) The finding in the The notion that all parties remotely affected by a given action (or lack thereof) deserve compensation for their loss is one which is embraced by the legal community-- and rightfully so, after all a drastic reduction in the number of claims filed would r esult otherwise. The argument made in its favor is that all those harmed by negligent activity deserve compensation. Idealistically this is true, and theoretically anyone who makes a decision based entirely on the results of an auditor's report, and suf fers a loss due to negligence in preparation by the auditor, deserves compensation. Realistically, however, this is not usually the case. With the exception of banks, whom are approached by businesses for the possibility of tendering a loan, and therefo re do not initiate contact; all other investors would only take the time to review the financial statements of a given company if another mitigating force attracted them. Therefore, it is reasonably asserted, that significa! nt third parties, such as banks a A second argument against liability reform is that the cost of malpractice suits are reasonable in comparison with the revenues

Monday, November 25, 2019

3 Tips on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay - BestEssay.Education

3 Tips on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay 3 Tips on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Essay A 5 paragraph essay, is not a type of essay in the most formal sense. Types of essays include argumentative essays, persuasive essays, definition essays, literary analysis essays, etc. Any of these types of essays can be written as a five paragraph essay. Essentially, a 5 paragraph essay is an essay format that includes the following elements: Introductory Paragraph 3 Body Paragraphs Concluding Paragraph Writing a 5 paragraph essay is quite common in introductory writing classes where students are focusing on learning the basics of essay writing more than they are focusing on elements such as research. Â  As students learn how to write a five paragraph essay, they study concepts such as defining and writing a thesis statement, creating a main idea sentence, and writing a conclusion that integrates the evidence introduced in the body paragraph into a final statement proving the writer's thesis. Another reason that instructors assign 5 paragraph essays is to teach students how to properly cite their sources both in the body of the essay, and on the works cited page or bibliography. The simple 5 paragraph format is convenient for the instructor, because they can quickly read these short essays and determine what each student understands and where each student is lacking understanding. Don't be fooled by the short length and relative simplicity of the five paragraph essay. These are sti ll graded assignments, and your work will be held to the standards of good writing. This is the reason why we have developed this brief set of tips on writing an excellent 5 paragraph paper. Content is Still Important While it is true that you are not going to delve into anything very deeply in a 5 paragraph essay, that does not mean you can be sloppy when it comes to the information you are delivering. Make sure that the facts you provide are accurate and verifiable. Use smooth transitions when moving from one paragraph to the next. Read each body paragraph to yourself in order to be certain that there is a clearly identifiable main idea sentence and that the other sentences support that main idea. Work hard to ensure that your thesis statement is well-written. Demonstrate That You Understand the Essay Writing Process Check and double check your writing. Do you have every required paragraph? What about your citations? Have you made certain that you have all of the inline citations correctly formatted? If you are using direct quotes, have your cited those correctly? Are your font size, margins, title page, and works cited page in compliance with the citation format that you are using? Spelling and Grammar are Major Factors in Your Success This is extremely important when writing a 5 paragraph essay. The short length of your paper will make any errors stand out. After all, it's pretty hard to hide a mistake in only 500 words or so. One thing that you can do to stay on top of errors as you go is to try writing a paragraph and then reviewing it for errors before going on to the next. This can make your final editing and proofreading go much more quickly.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 8

Ethics - Essay Example This level of ethical expectation extends to a great litany of different areas and portends a high level of expectation for the individual educator. As such, the article that will be analyzed â€Å"teaching to the test† reveals the way in which rigid state and federal standards have encouraged many struggling school districts, and individual teachers, to attempt the unethical approach of teaching to the test as a means of passing whatever requirement might exist at the given time. Naturally, this practice in and of itself is troublesome; however, when one considers it from both the standpoint of the utility that the student gains and the ethical ramifications for how the educational process takes shape, a nuanced understanding of the impact of such an approach is able to be understood. The core ethical issue that must be understood is the fact that the educators themselves are encouraging a level of unethical behavior that is both unfair to the educational process as well as u nfair to the end student. In order to understand this unethical behavior, it is necessary to delve in to the motivating factors that encourage it take place initially. Ultimately, the educational system, as it exists today, as both state and federal standards that must be met at multiple times throughout any given school year. As such, teachers are not only required to transmit the information that they are responsible for providing to the students, they must also take a sizable chunk of their time to instruct and prepare the students for taking standardized tests that will not only rank the student as compared to the rest of the students within the state, school system, or nation, they also have a profound impact upon the overall level of school ranking and funding levels that are received in subsequent periods. As such, the overall importance of these standardized tests cannot be understated. Unfortunately, even thus far in my own professional and student development, I have seen this take place. The first time that it was evidenced to me was with regards to taking the PSATs in high school. Rather than using this opportunity to fill in the gaps of any education that the students might have missed out on, the teacher merely hurried to provide a way of what can only be described as â€Å"educated guessing†. The second time this practice was noted it was in an 8th grade classroom that I was observing. The teacher, although highly qualified spent the bulk of her time going through a standardized test and pointing out how to delineate the correct answer; rather than teaching the material and explaining what the rationale behind it was. The third time that this took place was in my final year of high school as state standards of educational attainment from K-12 were being measured. Although the senior year of high school is normally at a slower pace than the other years, the educators cut short much of the information that would otherwise have been presente d as a means of focusing on the standardized test that was of more importance to the local district and the funding levels that the educators would have to divvy up than it was to the individual students. Accordingly, as the article notes, a highly unethical practice has emerged within many of the more troubled school districts throughout the nation. In addition to not spending enough time on the subject at hand, educators throughout the system have been teaching to the test instead of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Managing Information Systems Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Managing Information Systems Assignment - Essay Example In this scenario this report will analyze some of the main aspects such as responsibilities of IT and MIS at the business level and overall implementation issues for setting up an online business at D&D International Enterprises. OVERVIEW Currently every business utilizes information systems along with other new technology based objects at all the stages of business processes to gather, perform operations, and store business data. Additionally, this corporate data is collected as well as distributed in the type of effective business information required to perform diverse tasks of the company. In this scenario, every staff member of the company makes use of these information systems to perform assigned tasks. For instance, a car selling business that could utilize a computer database to manage products sell best, and a retail store could utilize a computer-based information technology artifacts as well as information system to sell products over the Internet. ... Normally, organizations use management information systems to facilitate their staff members to use and change information. However, in many cases, the management information systems work behind the scenes, and the users of the information system are not often engaged or even aware of the operations that are managed or controlled by the system. In addition, the management and improvement of information technology systems and tools supports management as well as other staff members in carrying out several operations associated to the management of business information. Moreover, the management information systems and other business systems are particularly valuable in the collection of company data as well as the creation of corporate information to be employed like tools intended for decision making (BPC, 2010; Schauland, 2011; Lari, 2002). MIS AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE TO BUSINESS Management information system is a wide-ranging phrase intended for the computer structures in a business th at offers information regarding its business processes. It is as well employed to submit to the people who handle and supervise these systems. Normally, in a huge business, â€Å"management information system" or the â€Å"Management information system department" refers to a centrally-harmonized or fundamental arrangement of computer administration and proficiency, frequently comprising mainframe systems however in addition comprising the company’s whole network of computer system resources. In the start, they were developed to perform some specific functions of the business such as calculating the payroll as well as managing accounts receivable and payable. As applications evolved and improved those offered executives with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Peter principle Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Peter principle - Research Paper Example o the skills required for a specific position of employment, and this idea was not taken into account in the supposedly common sense beliefs of traditional promotions.While the idea was first proposed with a humorous edge, the true implications of the theory were not that funny. The Peter Principle may expose an inherent flaw in the hierarchical promotion system that is used by many companies. Promotions may come from within a company that operates in an employment hierarchy. When this is the case, we may be tempted to believe that a person has been promoted because they are the best fitting candidate for the tasks associated with the position. However, it is just as likely that the promoted employee was selected for overall competence, rather than for any position-specific qualities. The lack of the required skill-set, as related to a position recently obtained through promotion, to perform a job effectively will consistently produce results that highlight the promoted candidate’s newfound incompetence. However, according to Dr. Peter, these employees would not face a risk of job termination unless they were so incompetent that it basically defines their being. Any level of incompetence below this line would simply fit in with other instances of promotions that are not based on specific skill sets, leaving us with a business that is defined by mediocrity. The Peter Principle has brought concern to many organizations that operate in a hierarchical manner, and as a result there have been studies developed with the goal of counteracting this effect. A 2010 study (Pluchino, Rapisarda, and Garofalo 467) discusses the principle and how its accuracy would indicate a high level of company-wide inefficiency taking place in many organizations. The researchers used a complicated computational model to test the efficiency of several promotional strategies that could be employed within a company’s hierarchy by their resistance to the Peter Principle. The results showed

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Religion Essays Diversity of Religious Cultures

Religion Essays Diversity of Religious Cultures The impact of immigration greatly affected the diversity of religious cultures and traditions in Australia The impact of immigration greatly affected the diversity of religious cultures and traditions in Australia. It dramatically increased in some groups and causes a decline in others, because of the introduction of new denominations. Before 1945, Australia was predominantly a Christian based society, lacking diversity. The impact admidst the Second World War led to an increase in the Orthodox churches and several branches of Christianity. The abolishment of the White Australian Policy (1970s) meant that Australia was freely open to various peoples from other countries seeking migration to Australia. As a result of this more Africans, Asians and Middle Easterns were able to migrate, most of which brought new religious denominations such as Islam, Hindiusm, Buddhism etc. Prior to 1945, Australia’s religious landscape was mostly dominated by Christians- mostly Catholics and Anglicans. Even within Christians, Anglicans dominated more in numbers as they were supported by the government and held some social authority. However, the aftermath of WW2 with the refugees seeking new lives enabled Jews to come to Australia- which contributed in increasing the number of Jewish adherents in Australia. Also, the slogan ‘populate of perish’ in the 50s- 60s enabled other Europeans to immigrate to Australia, hence increasing the number of Orthodox Christians. Although since 1945, Christianity still outnumbered other religions in Australia, the drop of the White Australian Policy in the early 70s allowed immigration from non- Christian countries such as: Asia, India, Africa and Middle East- bringing religions Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam into Australia. This not only shapes the current religious landscape of Australia having diverse religions other than Christianity, but also effected the rate of Christianity to drop to 67.9% out of the whole population of Australia. Changing patterns of religious adherence 20 percent of Australians are non religious From 1996-2001 > dramatic increase in Islam, Buddhism, Hindu and Judaism Due to the abolishment of the white Australian policy immigration increased. After 1976 the Methodist church seized to exist. After 1976 the two new Christian denominations arose in Australia > Pentecostal church the uniting church in 1981. Christianity as the major religious tradition Originally migration came from Irland / Britain Immigration 14 orthodox denominations in Australia Abolishment of white Australian policy. Denominational switching Within protestant or Anglican denominations people are very prepared two switch denominations. 1991 the church life survey shows that 29% of people had switched in the last 5 years. Reasons for switching is because; New comers joining or rejoining after a number of years. Rise of new age religions: New Age teachings became popular during the 1970s Often use mutually exclus ive definitions for some of their terms A free-flowing spiritual movement Secularism: the belief that religion should not be involved with the ordinary social and political activities of a country. from 1788 to the present day, regular church attendance has increased from 10% to 20%. People who associate themselves with no-religion in the census rose from 7% in 1971 to 16% in 2001. The ANU survey showed 42% of responses believed religion was not important. Outline changing patterns of religious adherence from 1945 to the present using census data There have been significant declines in the number of Christians regularly attending religious services. This decline is most evident in the Anglican Church, the Presbyterian Church and the Uniting Church. The drop in the figures for these three denominations represents both a decrease in the percentage of those who are affiliated with that denomination as well as a decline in actual numbers over the last decade. The proportion of Orthodox Christians in Australia grew rapidly after the Second World War and has remained quite constant over the past decade. Roman Catholics have continued to increase both numerically and as a percentage of the population, and have overtaken Anglicans as the largest denomination in Australia. Pentecostal figures have demonstrated strong growth both numerically and as a percentage of the population since the 1960s. In the last ten years however, this steep ascent appears to have slowed down and reached a plateau. The significant drop in the numbers of people regularly attending religious services should be read in conjunction with the substantial trend in the increasing numbers of people writing No Religion or Religion Not Stated in the census. The figure for religions other than Christianity, on the whole, appears to be steadily increasing from a fairly small base. Buddhist figures have grown at a steady rate from 1972 onwards and is now the largest religion other than Christianity in Australia. Hinduism has maintained steady growth. The numbers of Muslims in Australia have also increased dramatically since 1945. In 2001 the proportion of Jews was similar to that recorded in 1947. Christianity as the major religious tradition The significant decline in the number of Christians regularly attending religious services, especially in the Anglican, Uniting Church and Presbyterian denominations, can be attributed to the aging population, the lack of migrant intake and the general dissatisfaction impacting on other mainstream Christian groups. Roman Catholics are continuing to increase numerically, though not at the rate of the population because of its younger membership and substantial migrant intake. The significant increases in the Pentecostal figures can be attributed to factors such as the lively nature of its worship, its emphasis on contemporary music, the strong sense of community and spiritual support it provides, the charismatic leaders which lead the congregation and the clear cut answers it provides for times of uncertainty. Pentecostalism is an evangelical (fundamentalist and focused on conversion) and charismatic (a strong emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit) strand of the Christian religion. The slow down in the increase of Pentecostal figures in the last 10 years can be attributed to the revolving door syndrome which recognises that large numbers of Pentecostals remain with the Church for a relatively short period of time and because many Pentecostals were encouraged by their leaders to write Australian Christian Church rather than Pentecostal on the 2001 census. Immigration Changed Australia from being mono-cultural, mono-faith to multi-cultural, multi-faith. Since World War 2 and the lifting of the White Australia policy there has been much more diversity in migration and an accompanying increase in the diversity of religious groupings. Migration after World War 2 led to increased number of Catholics from countries such as Italy, Malta etc. This also increased numbers of Orthodox Christians from Greece and Eastern Europe. After the ending of the White Australian policy in 1972 migration developed from a larger range of countries bringing a wider range of religions. Migration has led to significant increases in the numbers of people who are Buddhist, Muslims, Hindus and Jews. Buddhists came from Indo-Chinese countries Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and in more recent times Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. Muslims came from countries such as Indonesia, Lebanon, Iran and Iraq, Bosnia. Increases have also occurred in Christian denominations where there is a large non-Anglo population Orthodox (Eastern Europe) and Catholic churches (from predominantly Irish to include Mediterranean, Eastern European, Asian, South American, African members). Increased presence of a variety of religious groups has also led to a greater appreciation of this diversity. Denominational switching The vast majority of people affiliated with religious groups in Australia were born into that religion. The phenomena of swapping between denominations or groups of the same religious tradition is known as denominational switching. Denominational switching is more common in Protestant Churches than in the Catholic Church. The majority of Pentecostals have moved from another Protestant denomination to join the Pentecostal group. Pentecostal is the term used to describe Christian denominations which have a strong emphasis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit (speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy etc). They are often relatively small groups which provides for more personal interaction, they also have lively worship. Pentecostalism is the fastest growing Christian group. Most Pentecostals have switched to the group from another Christian denomination. Many leave again after about 2 years this is known as the revolving door syndrome. Rise of New Age religions Census figures show a considerable level of dissatisfaction with traditional religious groups. Alongside this dissatisfaction is an indication of a strong and growing longing for a spiritual dimension to life. New Age is an umbrella term which refers to a range of alternative and/or pseudo-religious groups that people are attracted to. New Age religions are characterised by their adoption of elements of Eastern religions and their subsequent rejection of traditional Western views, and the fact that it favours creation centred spirituality. Some examples of new age religions are feng shui, yoga, tai chi, astrology, tarot cards, numerology etc. Many people uphold traditional religious beliefs and practices but supplement them with new age elements. Secularism Secularism is the belief that religion should not interfere with or be integrated into the public affairs of a society. There are multiple factors which have contributed to the decline of religions relevance for the integration and legitimation of modern life. The increasing pluralism and materialism of society alongside societys increasing individualism and dissatisfaction with traditional religions are major reasons for secularisation. This trend is most evident in the significant increase in the number of people responding No religion in the census alongside an overall decline in the Christian figures recorded in the census.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Active Intellect In Aristotle, :: essays research papers

All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves; and above all others the sense of sight†. This is the foundation of human knowledge Aristotle presents us with in Book Alpha of the Metaphysics. The next question which we must naturally ask ourselves is, How? How is it that we can have any knowledge at all? We by our very nature desire to know and we love the senses in themselves but what is the relationship between the two and by what faculty are we able to call anything knowledge once sense perception has occurred?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Aristotle sets up as his faculty for knowledge both the active and the passive intellects. We begin to have knowledge through sense experience. We cannot know without sense experienceand it is from sense experience that all knowledge is therefore generated. Knowledge for Aristotle is a knowledge of universals, that is, a knowledge of Essences. Thought is thus the faculty by which we come to comprehend universals. And since material objects are a composite unity of essence and existence, it naturally follows that we grasp the universal through our encounter with the particular. What follows is a series of events which leads to knowledge.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The passive intellect receives the image from the sense data and it is stamped upon the passive intellect from the material impression. From this stamp the active intellect is to draw out of it and somehow make a universal concept from this particular experience. But there is something more at work here. There is something in the mind ( more specifically in the soul) that somehow comprehends and makes universals intelligible. Various theories have been postulated concerning this but we shall concentrate on Aristotle and leave the other philosophies for now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What is at work in man is a divine reason immanent in man’s soul. Somehow man is connected to and shares in divine reason. A distinction must be made here. We are not saying that the human soul’s capacity to grasp universals is in some way a maker or shares in the pure act of God, but that without this divine reason at work in the souls of men no understanding of universals could take place at all. The mind works on the material given to it, that is it’s potential, and from this material it moves to actuality.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Natural Born Killers & Capitalism

Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1994) is a film directed by Oliver Stone. The story is about Mickey and Mallory Knox, two serial killers that travel across America on a killing spree which elevates them from criminals into international media celebrities. The story sounds like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1967), however Mickey and Mallory's crimes are much more severe and without cause. Stone intended the film to be a critique on a culture obsessed with violence and the media’s glorification of violence.In Chaos Rising: The Storm Around Natural Born Killers’ (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1994) Stone explains â€Å"What I was doing was pointing the finger at the system that feeds off violence, and at the media that package it for mass consumption. † Unfortunately, many people perceived the message of Natural Born Killers as a glorification of violence. The film even inspired several copycat killings. The film Na tural Born Killers was intended to critique a culture obsessed with violence, yet inspired murders.The reason this film was decoded so differently by some viewers was due to social stereotypes imposed by capitalist ideology. How an audience perceives a message from a text is through the process of decoding. Those who produce a text encode it with messages and meanings through the use of semiotics. When the audience receives a text, they then decode and identify these meanings through the signs and signifiers. Morley (1992, p. 53) explains that meaning in a text is generated through two main factors. The first factor is the way a text is encoded through semiotics.This can invite certain readings and block others. The second is the social background of the receiver, which can be studied sociologically. The interaction of these two constraining structures will define the notion that a text can be interpreted in an infinite number of individual ways. Stuart Hall’s work on the rol e of social positions in the interpretation of mass media texts also helps explain this. His work was based around the three different ways a viewer can decode a text. The first is the dominant reading.This is when the reader shares the text’s code and accepts the intended reading. The second is the negotiated reading, which is when the reader partly accepts the intended reading but not completely. The reader then modifies it in a way that reflects their own position, experience sand interests. The third is the oppositional reading, which is when the reader’s social situation causes them to oppose the dominant code. They understand the intended reading but don’t agree with the code and reject the intended meaning, causing them to develop their own interpretation of the text.On March 6th 1995, teen couple Ben Darras and Sarah Edmondson shot a local businessman in Oklahoma. They then drove to Louisiana where they also shot a store store clerk. After their arrest, the couple said that they had been taking acid and watching Natural Born Killers several times. Upon Darras’s arrest he also shouted the words â€Å"I’m a natural born killer man†. Since the release of Natural Born Killers it has been linked to 8 murders. Each of the murderers shared the same lower class social position, and passion for the film.What can Hall and Morley’s work tell us about how this film was decoded so differently from its intended meaning by these adolescents? Hall (1977, p. 182) explains that texts are polysemic, meaning they may be read differently by different people depending on their identity, cultural background and personal opinions. Traditionally in film, those who commit acts of violence are villains who get punished for their crimes, while the police are seen as heroes. In this film the police are violent; one being a murderer himself.Throughout the film, Mickey and Mallory slaughter without reason yet by the end of the film th ey gain sympathy and likeability from the audience. An oppressed lower class audience may see Mickey and Mallory as lower class heroes as they overcome the oppressing system. Some may sympathize and relate with Mallory's abusive upbringing. An example of this is shown in the film when Mickey and Mallory leave Mallory's house after murdering her parents, the wallpaper displayed is an open bird cage, signifying that she is now free.In this scene the fact that they have just murdered two people is completely overshadowed by Mallory’s escape from an abusive environment. The viewer’s own personal situation, experiences and beliefs heavily influence how they decode the message of this film. Each of the individuals who committed copycat crimes after watching Natural Born Killers came from lower class social backgrounds. This implies that the social conditions that the lower classes endure under capitalism have a direct relation to why these individuals received the opposition al reading of the text.Natural Born Killers dwells on the fact that the two protagonists come from a lower class family, are uneducated, and how capitalist society associates people in this situation with crime. In the film Mickey calls himself a ‘natural born killer’ as he was born into the lower class, therefore society assumes he is a natural born criminal. He explains, â€Å"I was thrown into a flaming pit of scum, forgotten by God. † In this instance, Mickey refers to society and the members of it collectively as ‘God’. The use of semiotics to express this point is quite strong.Signs such as the way Mickey and Mallory speak, the way they dress, how they are groomed and the families that they come from signify that both are a part of the lower class. Other important characters in the film, such as officer Scagnetti, warden McClusky and reporter Wayne Gale wear suits, speak well and are also well groomed. Several shots in the film such as Wayne Ga le trimming his nose hairs and McClusky combing his moustache are used to emphasize their appearance and social status. These characters are portrayed like this to signify that they are higher within the capitalist social hierarchy.All three seek control over Mickey and Mallory for personal gain, implying that the higher classes seek to control the lower class. As the film addresses the difference in occupation of classes in a capitalist society, it also addresses the aspiration levels of the lower class. As revealed previously, Mickey explains that society turned its back on him. He also states â€Å"I came from violence, it was in my blood. My dad had it, his dad had it. It’s just my fate. † Here Mickey is saying that he came from a lower class, as did his father and grandfather.He is also saying that to remain in this social status is just his ‘fate’, meaning the social norm. Hollingshead (2007, p. 285) explains that children have limited their horizons to the class horizon, and in the process they have unconsciously placed themselves in such a position that they will occupy the same levels as their parents. This being a direct effect of the capitalist ideology as Reissman (1953, p. 233) puts it, the proletarian can have no aspirations under capitalism, but instead must come to identify with their own class and aspire to an entirely different system of values. This entirely different ystem of values Reissman is referring to is that in many cases the lower class youth will pursue the quick rise to success and fame. In Natural Born Killers, Mickey and Mallory become international celebrities through their actions, they have fans and fame by taking the ‘short route’, regardless of the means used to get there. Williams and Mcshane (1993 p. 52) state that the lower class youth may be associated with and aspire to become a â€Å"policy king†: â€Å"I want to be a big shot†¦ have all of the guys look up to me. H ave a couple of lincolns, lots of broads and all of the coppers licking my shoes.As Natural Born Killers points the finger at the media for the glorification of violence, it also points a finger at capitalism for restraining the lower classes aspirations and confining them to a life of crime. Tshiwula (1998, p. 27) also shares this theory as she explains â€Å"capitalism is the root for the cause of much criminal behavior, particularly in crimes committed by the lower class. † Stuart Hall and David Morley’s work suggest that an individual’s social status can greatly influence how a text is decoded and the message they receive from it, regardless of the intended meaning.This suggests that people in a lower social status may see the antagonists as lower class heroes as they can relate to their situation. Semiotics in the film was used to signify the social gap between Mickey and Mallory, Wayne Gale, warden McClusky and officer Scagnetti. This explores the stereoty pes of social status in capitalist ideology. The film’s references to the lower class being confined to a life of crime and having restricted aspirations inform us that these factors are imposed by capitalism.Unfortunately, these points are still valid in modern society. Many people who come from low income families believe that having the occupation they desire is unachievable due to their social/financial status. This isn’t necessarily true, however people in this situation may think this due to what the rest of society thinks of them. Not only is the intended message of Natural Born Killers important in making people realize the media’s glorification of violence, but also the message of lower class stereotypes and how they affect the individuals within that class.This text also provides us with an extreme example of how a text can be decoded by different individuals. It’s safe to say that the oppositional reading of Natural Born Killers was a direct re sult of capitalist ideology and its influence on lower class individuals. References Hall, S. (1977) Culture, The Media and the ‘Ideological Effect’. America: Open University Hollingshead, A. (2007). Elmtown's Youth – The Impact of Social Classes on Adolescents. Chicago, America: Case Press Morley, D. (1992). Television Audiences and Cultural Studies.New York, America: Routledge Penn, A. (Director) Newman, D. (Writer) (1967). Bonnie and Clyde [Motion Picture]. America: Warner Bros. Pictures Reissman, L. (1953). American Sociological Review: Volume 18. America: American Sociological Association Stone, O. (Director/Producer) Tarantino, Q. (Writer) (1994). Natural Born Killers [Motion Picture]. America: Warner Bros. Pictures Tshiwula, L. (1998). Crime and Delinquency. Pretoria, South Africa: Kagiso Publishers Williams, F. P. , & McShane, M. D (1993). Criminology Theory. America: Anderson Publishing Co Natural Born Killers & Capitalism Natural Born Killers Natural Born Killers (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1994) is a film directed by Oliver Stone. The story is about Mickey and Mallory Knox, two serial killers that travel across America on a killing spree which elevates them from criminals into international media celebrities. The story sounds like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1967), however Mickey and Mallory's crimes are much more severe and without cause. Stone intended the film to be a critique on a culture obsessed with violence and the media’s glorification of violence.In Chaos Rising: The Storm Around Natural Born Killers’ (Warner Bros. Pictures, 1994) Stone explains â€Å"What I was doing was pointing the finger at the system that feeds off violence, and at the media that package it for mass consumption. † Unfortunately, many people perceived the message of Natural Born Killers as a glorification of violence. The film even inspired several copycat killings. The film Na tural Born Killers was intended to critique a culture obsessed with violence, yet inspired murders.The reason this film was decoded so differently by some viewers was due to social stereotypes imposed by capitalist ideology. How an audience perceives a message from a text is through the process of decoding. Those who produce a text encode it with messages and meanings through the use of semiotics. When the audience receives a text, they then decode and identify these meanings through the signs and signifiers. Morley (1992, p. 53) explains that meaning in a text is generated through two main factors. The first factor is the way a text is encoded through semiotics.This can invite certain readings and block others. The second is the social background of the receiver, which can be studied sociologically. The interaction of these two constraining structures will define the notion that a text can be interpreted in an infinite number of individual ways. Stuart Hall’s work on the rol e of social positions in the interpretation of mass media texts also helps explain this. His work was based around the three different ways a viewer can decode a text. The first is the dominant reading.This is when the reader shares the text’s code and accepts the intended reading. The second is the negotiated reading, which is when the reader partly accepts the intended reading but not completely. The reader then modifies it in a way that reflects their own position, experience sand interests. The third is the oppositional reading, which is when the reader’s social situation causes them to oppose the dominant code. They understand the intended reading but don’t agree with the code and reject the intended meaning, causing them to develop their own interpretation of the text.On March 6th 1995, teen couple Ben Darras and Sarah Edmondson shot a local businessman in Oklahoma. They then drove to Louisiana where they also shot a store store clerk. After their arrest, the couple said that they had been taking acid and watching Natural Born Killers several times. Upon Darras’s arrest he also shouted the words â€Å"I’m a natural born killer man†. Since the release of Natural Born Killers it has been linked to 8 murders. Each of the murderers shared the same lower class social position, and passion for the film.What can Hall and Morley’s work tell us about how this film was decoded so differently from its intended meaning by these adolescents? Hall (1977, p. 182) explains that texts are polysemic, meaning they may be read differently by different people depending on their identity, cultural background and personal opinions. Traditionally in film, those who commit acts of violence are villains who get punished for their crimes, while the police are seen as heroes. In this film the police are violent; one being a murderer himself.Throughout the film, Mickey and Mallory slaughter without reason yet by the end of the film th ey gain sympathy and likeability from the audience. An oppressed lower class audience may see Mickey and Mallory as lower class heroes as they overcome the oppressing system. Some may sympathize and relate with Mallory's abusive upbringing. An example of this is shown in the film when Mickey and Mallory leave Mallory's house after murdering her parents, the wallpaper displayed is an open bird cage, signifying that she is now free.In this scene the fact that they have just murdered two people is completely overshadowed by Mallory’s escape from an abusive environment. The viewer’s own personal situation, experiences and beliefs heavily influence how they decode the message of this film. Each of the individuals who committed copycat crimes after watching Natural Born Killers came from lower class social backgrounds. This implies that the social conditions that the lower classes endure under capitalism have a direct relation to why these individuals received the opposition al reading of the text.Natural Born Killers dwells on the fact that the two protagonists come from a lower class family, are uneducated, and how capitalist society associates people in this situation with crime. In the film Mickey calls himself a ‘natural born killer’ as he was born into the lower class, therefore society assumes he is a natural born criminal. He explains, â€Å"I was thrown into a flaming pit of scum, forgotten by God. † In this instance, Mickey refers to society and the members of it collectively as ‘God’. The use of semiotics to express this point is quite strong.Signs such as the way Mickey and Mallory speak, the way they dress, how they are groomed and the families that they come from signify that both are a part of the lower class. Other important characters in the film, such as officer Scagnetti, warden McClusky and reporter Wayne Gale wear suits, speak well and are also well groomed. Several shots in the film such as Wayne Ga le trimming his nose hairs and McClusky combing his moustache are used to emphasize their appearance and social status. These characters are portrayed like this to signify that they are higher within the capitalist social hierarchy.All three seek control over Mickey and Mallory for personal gain, implying that the higher classes seek to control the lower class. As the film addresses the difference in occupation of classes in a capitalist society, it also addresses the aspiration levels of the lower class. As revealed previously, Mickey explains that society turned its back on him. He also states â€Å"I came from violence, it was in my blood. My dad had it, his dad had it. It’s just my fate. † Here Mickey is saying that he came from a lower class, as did his father and grandfather.He is also saying that to remain in this social status is just his ‘fate’, meaning the social norm. Hollingshead (2007, p. 285) explains that children have limited their horizons to the class horizon, and in the process they have unconsciously placed themselves in such a position that they will occupy the same levels as their parents. This being a direct effect of the capitalist ideology as Reissman (1953, p. 233) puts it, the proletarian can have no aspirations under capitalism, but instead must come to identify with their own class and aspire to an entirely different system of values. This entirely different ystem of values Reissman is referring to is that in many cases the lower class youth will pursue the quick rise to success and fame. In Natural Born Killers, Mickey and Mallory become international celebrities through their actions, they have fans and fame by taking the ‘short route’, regardless of the means used to get there. Williams and Mcshane (1993 p. 52) state that the lower class youth may be associated with and aspire to become a â€Å"policy king†: â€Å"I want to be a big shot†¦ have all of the guys look up to me. H ave a couple of lincolns, lots of broads and all of the coppers licking my shoes.As Natural Born Killers points the finger at the media for the glorification of violence, it also points a finger at capitalism for restraining the lower classes aspirations and confining them to a life of crime. Tshiwula (1998, p. 27) also shares this theory as she explains â€Å"capitalism is the root for the cause of much criminal behavior, particularly in crimes committed by the lower class. † Stuart Hall and David Morley’s work suggest that an individual’s social status can greatly influence how a text is decoded and the message they receive from it, regardless of the intended meaning.This suggests that people in a lower social status may see the antagonists as lower class heroes as they can relate to their situation. Semiotics in the film was used to signify the social gap between Mickey and Mallory, Wayne Gale, warden McClusky and officer Scagnetti. This explores the stereoty pes of social status in capitalist ideology. The film’s references to the lower class being confined to a life of crime and having restricted aspirations inform us that these factors are imposed by capitalism.Unfortunately, these points are still valid in modern society. Many people who come from low income families believe that having the occupation they desire is unachievable due to their social/financial status. This isn’t necessarily true, however people in this situation may think this due to what the rest of society thinks of them. Not only is the intended message of Natural Born Killers important in making people realize the media’s glorification of violence, but also the message of lower class stereotypes and how they affect the individuals within that class.This text also provides us with an extreme example of how a text can be decoded by different individuals. It’s safe to say that the oppositional reading of Natural Born Killers was a direct re sult of capitalist ideology and its influence on lower class individuals. References Hall, S. (1977) Culture, The Media and the ‘Ideological Effect’. America: Open University Hollingshead, A. (2007). Elmtown's Youth – The Impact of Social Classes on Adolescents. Chicago, America: Case Press Morley, D. (1992). Television Audiences and Cultural Studies.New York, America: Routledge Penn, A. (Director) Newman, D. (Writer) (1967). Bonnie and Clyde [Motion Picture]. America: Warner Bros. Pictures Reissman, L. (1953). American Sociological Review: Volume 18. America: American Sociological Association Stone, O. (Director/Producer) Tarantino, Q. (Writer) (1994). Natural Born Killers [Motion Picture]. America: Warner Bros. Pictures Tshiwula, L. (1998). Crime and Delinquency. Pretoria, South Africa: Kagiso Publishers Williams, F. P. , & McShane, M. D (1993). Criminology Theory. America: Anderson Publishing Co

Friday, November 8, 2019

20 Quotes That Help You See the Telltale Signs of Falling in Love

20 Quotes That Help You See the Telltale Signs of Falling in Love I have come across many a friend, who looked at me with dreamy eyes, while she said, I have fallen in love. Frankly it is amusing to observe the behavior of a hopelessly lovesick friend. The first blush of love can be quite charming. Many friends who have fallen in love display the common symptoms: absentmindedness, lack of appetite, spurts of euphoria, and of course the compulsive need to hug a pillow. Edmund SpenserAll for love and nothing for reward.Mignon McLaughlinA  successful marriage  requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.Charles Hanson TowneI need the starshine of your heavenly eyes, after the days great sun.Jorge Luis BorgesTo fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god.Connie Brockway,  The Bridal SeasonNo one ever fell in love gracefully.Richard BachIf you love something, set it free; if it comes back its yours, if it doesnt, it never was. Why Do We Fall in Love? A Scientific Perspective to the Mysteries of the Heart Love is a potent emotion. It affects the physical and mental state of wellbeing. The phrase smitten by love accurately describes those who have fallen in love. If you were to clinically examine the root cause of falling in love, it would filter down to one basic fact: preservation of human species. Love is nothing but your happy hormones going on overdrive when you find someone attractive. The attraction could be based on physical attributes, personality, or sexual tension. It could even be your current emotional state that makes you drawn towards another person. Rebound love relationships are an example of emotional distress causing love affairs. Sometimes, environmental conditions could trigger a feeling of falling in love. Watching a romantic movie with a person, being in close proximity with another for prolonged periods, or being with a person in a desolate location could trigger feelings of love.Scientific explanations notwithstanding, love is the glue that holds this world together. As Sean Connery said, Love may not make the world go round, but I must admit that it makes the ride worthwhile. Leo BuscagliaLove withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever.E. A. Bucchianeri,  Brushstrokes of a GadflyFalling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked  about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty  in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.Anouk AimeeSome pray to marry the man they love, my prayer will somewhat vary: I humbly pray to heaven above that I love the man I marry.Sigmund RombergA love song is just a caress set to  music.Peace PilgrimPure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.Alicia BarnhartTrue love  never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away.Eric FrommTo love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person.Helen RowlandFalling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination and bottling the common sense.Elbert HubbardLove grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.William ShakespeareAs soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words. Elvis Presley put it best in this classic love song, Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I cant help falling in love with you. It is true that while we can choose those whom we talk to and whom we like, we cannot choose those whom who we love. Here are a few quotes about falling in love. Sara PaddisonYou’ll discover that real love is millions of miles past falling in love with anyone or anything. When you make that one effort to feel compassion instead of blame or self-blame, the heart opens again and continues opening.Isaac BashevisSometimes love is stronger than a mans convictions.D. H. LawrenceI am in love - and, my God, its the greatest thing that can happen to a man. I tell you, find a woman you can fall in love with. Do it. Let yourself fall in love, if you havent done so already. You are wasting your life.Ursula K. LeGuinLove doesnt just sit there like a stone; it has to be made - like bread, remade all the time, made new.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tips to Manage Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom

Tips to Manage Disruptive Behavior in the Classroom Teaching adults is very different from teaching children. If you are new to teaching adults, you have hopefully been provided with training in this area, but if not, take steps to prepare yourself. Start with crucial skills and principles for teachers of adults. Establishing Norms Setting classroom norms is one of the best methods of classroom management. Hang a flip chart or poster, or dedicate a section of the whiteboard, if you have space,  and list expected classroom behaviors for everyone to see. Refer to this list when disruptions occur. Using a flip chart or whiteboard can be especially useful because you can involve students in the construction of the list on the first day. Start with a few of your own expectations and ask the group for additional suggestions. When you all agree on how you want the classroom to be managed, disruptions are minimal. List of Norms Start and end on timeTurn off or silence cell phonesSave texting for breaksRespect the contributions of othersBe open to new ideasResolve differences calmlyStay on topic Saving Questions for Later Its always a good idea to address questions of any kind when they occur because curiosity provides fabulous teaching moments, but sometimes it just isnt appropriate to get off track. Many teachers use a flip chart or whiteboard as a holding place for such questions to ensure theyre not forgotten. Call your holding place something appropriate to your topic. Be creative. When a question being held is eventually answered, mark it off the list. Managing Mild Disruptions Unless youve got a completely obnoxious student in your classroom, chances are good that disruptions, when they do occur, will be fairly mild and call for mild management techniques. These include disruptions like chatting in the back of the room, texting, or someone who is argumentative or disrespectful. Try one, or more of the following tactics: Make eye contact with the disruptive person.Remind the group of the agreed-upon norms.Move toward the disruptive person.Stand directly in front of the person.Be silent and wait for the disruption to end.Acknowledge the input, put it in your parking lot if appropriate, and move on.You may be right.Thanks for your comment.How about if we park that comment and come back to it later?Ask for help from the group.What does everyone else think?Rearrange the seating if you think it will help.Call for a break. Handling Persistent Disruptions For more serious problems, or if the disruption persists, rely on these steps to conflict resolution: Speak with the person privately.Confront the behavior, not the person.Speak for yourself only, not the class.Seek to understand the reason for the disruption.Ask the person to recommend a solution.Review your expectations of classroom behavior, if necessary.Try to get agreement on expected norms.Explain any consequences of continued disruptions. Sharing Challenges Its generally unprofessional to share frustrations about individual students with other teachers who may be influenced toward that person in the future. This doesnt mean you cant consult with others, but you should choose your confidants carefully.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Proposal paper assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Proposal paper assignment - Essay Example New media is especially applied through social media by teenagers to create their own social networks and interact with others through them Veltman (2006). Many researchers continue to investigate the impacts of social media on society with different studies focusing different specific segments, including youth, children, young adults, adults, and even the elderly. Even though a lot of research has been done on the impact of social media on the youth and particularly teenagers, not much has been covered about new media in general. Social media is just part of new media and there is still a significant gap in knowledge about how to minimize the negative impacts of new media on teenagers (Gross et al., 2002). According to Veltman (2006), new media is a broad term encompassing the amalgamation of traditional media with the interactive power provided by modern information and communication technology, including computers; computer enabled communication devices, and the Internet. ... This paper specifically focuses on identification of the various components making up new media, the positive impacts of new media on teenagers, the negative impacts of new media on teenagers, and approaches of minimizing negative impacts of new media on teenagers. Research Background This study examines one major dependent variable, which is the impact of new media on teenagers. This dependent variable is affected by the ‘elements’ of new media, all of which make up the independent variables. Although there are many elements associated with new media, this study will focus on five main independent variables, including the Internet, social media, access to portable communication devices, access to computers, and communication support platforms (Cyber cafes) that serve teenagers alongside other groups of people. The first independent variable in the study is the Internet. The Internet is defined by Jones (2003) as a worldwide system of computer networks in which users all over the world can access through a computer to communicate with other computers, share information, obtain information or even directly communicate with users on other computers on the network. Veltman (2006) points out that currently the Internet is an extensive, public, cooperative and self-sustaining system that billions of people around the world have access to. It also consumes a portion of the total resources committed to public communication networks globally. The second independent variable in this study is social media. Many definitions have been given to social media depending on the various approaches towards the concept. According to McKenna & Barg

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legalization of Drugs in United States and Mexico (based on drug Research Paper

Legalization of Drugs in United States and Mexico (based on drug problems, trafficking, and cartels between these two countries) - Research Paper Example egardless of the legality; or allow the illegal status of drugs to continue to foster an environment and business that spreads violence, fear, insecurity, and the loss of life into American communities (Morris 36). Instead of wasting a lot of the government resources in trying to suppress the use of the drugs, the state should run a campaign that is information oriented so as to enlighten people about the risks and even possible consequences of using many kinds of drugs. This paper seeks to analyze whether the use of drugs should be legalized or not in the United States and Mexico based on the problems that are associated with the drugs that create cartel between the two countries. In the United States, purity of illegal Amphetamine in most cases is below 5%, and some of the tablets that are sold in the marketplaces are sold as ecstasy that do not contain MDMA at all. Instead, a lot of drugs are adulterated with other substances like chalk and even talcum to form completely different drugs. When the use of drugs are made legal then the state can get it very easy to regulate their sale and availability in the market to make sure that they are very safe and clean for human consumption and that they ate not cut with other substances that may be harmful to human life. Making the use of drugs illegal by the state increases the amount of crime that could have been easily eliminated if the drugs were legalized. Controlling the prices of the drugs would imply that drug addicts would leave their habits of stealing so as to fund their habits of using drugs. On the other hand state provided drugs services would keep out the drug dealers out of the business thereby starving the criminal gangs of their primary source of funds. Most Taliban get a lot of their revenues from the sale of poppies which gives a good ground for the heroin. They participate in doing this through intimidation farmers in the local regions who would otherwise sell their produce at the market places